Problem is; that's not much good when applying for a job in the UK where the highways element of the civil engineering industry is sat on the bare bones of its arse. So I've had to create a CV which really sells my transferrable skills and it isn't until I've done this that I actually realise what I can offer a prospective employer. And that's a bit of a confidence booster after taking a metaphorical roundhouse kick in the knackers - I know my employer rates me, but market demand has forced their hand. I'm a realist and truly understand the carry on, but it's difficult not to ask "Why me? I work hard!"
Anyway, let's move on from that, eh?
I always have a couple of CDs in the car in case the radio leaves me with a choice between Chris Moyles massaging his own deep-fried ego or Alan Brazil pretending to know about the finer details of Association Football. I couldn't decide what I wanted to listen to this morning so I ran a finger across the CDs and stopped randomly (they're in alphabetical order so maybe subconsciously it wasn't so random?) on Joy Division's final album "Closer"; the work which many see as Ian Curtis' suicide note.
Joy Division's 'Closer' |
Many can identify Joy Division's 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' and it's a fine track, but those who don't delve any deeper into their other work - in my humble opinion - are really missing out .
Depending when you're reading this, I'll either be in bed asleep dreaming of great things to come, on the train to London, on the tube to Heathrow airport, having a beer at Heathrow airport, in the air or in California. Unless you're lazy and let your blog reading slip in which case I'll be back in England... with a wife and kids if you end up going through a really deep period of blog-neglect.
I'm gonna go now and might not write while away; not on a keyboard anyway. Let me know which album(s) make you say 'Wow!'...
Ryan Adams: Gold or Ray LaMontagne: Till The Sun Turns Black have got to be "Wow" for me mate. I'm aticipating a musical shift when you return from CA, with new favourites being hazy, chilled and sunkissed! Either that or Tom Petty, my all time favourite artist of all time. To me, nothing beats driving on the PCH with "Running Down A Dream" belting out!! Certainly wish I was there now, instead of a very damp Sheffield!